Handmade Parsian & Oriental Rug Blog

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Oriental rugs, also known as Persian rugs, are hand-made rugs that are made of all-natural materials. They are beautiful and look exce...

Oriental rugs, also known as Persian rugs, are hand-made rugs that are made of all-natural materials. They are beautiful and look exceptionally good and attractive on wooden floors.

They also make your room warm, they act as sound insulators by reducing echoes in your room, and they also provide extra comfort to your feet. They bring drastic and unique changes to your room.

The natural materials and vegetable dyes used in making these rugs make them attractive to moths; thereby, theyserve as magnets for moths. Moths feed on the wool,other natural materials, and dye and lay their eggs in there.

These insects and their larva cause unimaginable damage to your rug as time goes on. Persian rugs restoration and repair can be done at a fair cost; in case you have a Persian rug that needs repair, you can always contact us for your professional rugs repair in London.

How do you know when your Rug is Attacked by Moths?

You will see a lot of signs when moths attack your beautifully hand-made rug. The affected area will look bare or bald. Most people who own this type of rug realise it when they see these bare areas, and by this time, a lot of damage has been done already.

Another way you know that moths attack your rug is when you see their eggs or larva under the rug. Female moths love to lay their eggs under the rug because that environment is warm and damp, and that is what their eggs need. This damage would require Persian rug restoration.

When you see moths flying in your home and around your rug, lift the rug and check for their eggs or larva. These larva feed on the wool that the rug is made up of, they chew their way through the fibres of these rugs.

Ensure you take rapid steps in addressing the situation when you find moth eggs and larva beneath your rug or you can go for professional rugs repair in London.

How To Protect Your Rugs From Moth Infestation

Protecting your rug is an effortless thing to do, below are some of the ways you can go about it;

  • Regularly inspect beneath your rugs for the presence of moth eggs and larva.

  • Rotate your rug regularly so that those areas that are always in the dark will be exposed to light.

  • Regularly vacuum the top and beneath the rug to suck up the eggs and remove all the dust and dirt hidden in the fibres of the rug. Dust and dirt attract moths also.

  • Once a week, take the rug outside and beat it, this will expel the dust, eggs, and dirt hiding in the fibres of the wool. Do it carefully and in the right way to prevent damaging your rug.

  • Another way and the best way to prevent moth infestation is to take your rug for professional cleaning. They will do thorough and professional cleaning for you without damaging the rug, and all the dirt and eggs will be removed.

Professional rug cleaners can also carry out other services like Persian rug restoration and professional rug repair.

Are you in need of professional rugs repair in London for the rugs in your home or office? Put a call through to us today on 02073599880 or send a mail to info@orientalistrug.com for more information.

Oriental or Persian rugs are beautiful decor for our house. In recent years, online sales of Persian or Oriental rugs have raised. If you...

Oriental or Persian rugs are beautiful decor for our house. In recent years, online sales of Persian or Oriental rugs have raised. If you are trying to buy rugs online, then this blog can help you to lead your way.  Before buying rugs, a helping information is very important and worth for you. You can find an exclusive piece which you may not find locally.  So, it is better to understand how to buy Persian rugs online.       

The websites selling Oriental rugs Online are constantly improving their services from the last few years. A large number of population looks for reliable firms or dealers while choosing to purchase a rug. 

For a wholesale, a person must be honest and their reputation is very important. A wholesaler must be friendly towards the businessman to maintain a healthy balance.

While buying the rugs online, customers plainly become unfamiliar with the handmade rugs. Mostly the search criteria include types, sizes and so on and the name of Persian rugs are not found. There are various kinds of quality and that need to be cleared properly, description is an important part and clear photographs are important.  A person will search for hundred rugs and will get many options so, the clear vigilance will convince them to buy the product. 

First question you asked yourself is “What type of piece you are trying to fill in your space?” One become obsessed with the rug is just because if a rug is woven with full heart then it will attract you emotionally when you see it properly. A rug will connect you with the region. The creators devoted their hours for making rugs.

On purpose of occasion a formal type of Persian rug is highly preferable. Floral designed rugs can be suitable to decorate the room occasionally. If you want a large rug then start with the rug and then your furniture’s. If you are looking for large woven carpets then choose a hand woven Oriental rugs. You can search for “palace size” which is of size 10*14.  But it only gives you size instead of quality.

There is not much difference in buying retail or wholesale rug but the buyer need a keener eye to check the quality of the rug. The digital cameras are quite busy to find a rug store, retailers etc. the online marketing saves time.

Check for more option to select a perfect piece for your place, if you are not satisfied with one then look for some other choices. If you live in a far area and have cities nearby then you can go and search for an authentic piece in the store, but while you are buying it online then you need to be quite choosy.

It is very difficult to differentiate between a handmade and a machine-made rug with naked eyes and specially for novice. Everyone wants ...

It is very difficult to differentiate between a handmade and a machine-made rug with naked eyes and specially for novice. Everyone wants beautiful rugs to decorate their house beautifully, the machine-made rugs are produced in large number but the authentic hand-made are soothing and beautiful to see.

With this blog, we will guide you to differentiate between the two before you purchase.

Cost your Expense - The expense value between the high-quality authentic and machine-woven Persian rugs.
The Persian rugs are made by expertise and unique as it is made by hand from starting to finish.
Machine-woven rugs is not so valuable even if they are in good condition. The Persian rugs are high in demand and people are highly praising its beauty.

Scarcity - The machine-made rugs are produced in high quantity in industries. But the rugs produced in the industries have unnatural color and every knot is uniform. The value is reducing as you will find the same in your house. Every Persian rug has their history.

Caucasian Kazak Rug

The handmade Persian rugs, are different in color, in designs and of different patterns as the whole process is manual.

The material check - The quality of the material of the rugs cannot be overlooked in the cluster of materials. The Persian rugs are made up of organic material which has potentiality to close for generations, feels very soothing under the foot and has grit.

The machine-made rugs are made and produced with cheap materials such as synthetic fibres like polypropylene, polyester, acrylic and nylon and wool. They may look fine but these rugs do not stand with the quality check and time other than Persian rugs.

The handmade Persian rugs are always a best option to choose amongst everything. Persian rug in London provides a courtly room to measure and for home trial.